Thursday, August 29, 2013

How Ender's Game Fasinates My Life!

My favorite novel is Ender's Game by Olson Scott Card. Ender's Game is a sci-fi novel that pictures children growing up to be soldiers to defend the enemy, the "Buggers."

"The power to cause pain is the only power that matters. The power to kill and destroy. Because if you can't kill. Then you are always subject to those who can. And nothing and no one will ever save you" (Card ).

The quote ,spoken by Ender, is my favorite quote among the great quotes in Ender's Game. At the beginning of the novel, Ender is a kind-hearted six-year-old boy who cannot harm anyone at all. However, at the last chapters of the novel, Ender realizes that he has to be strong and says the quote. The process of sweet but weak Ender turning to the savior of the human race can seem non realistic because of his young age; Ender is only nine at the end of the novel. However, the best part of the novel is the author describing the growth of Ender so thoroughly with quotes, actions, and conversations that readers understand and feel the same emotions of Ender. This is my favorite novel not just because it is my favorite genre, but the emotions of the protagonist is well portrayed.

And Ender's Game, the movie, is going to be released in late 2013! Although it is a movie not yet released, I have no doubt in that it will be my favorite. Since I extremely loved the original novel, I would like to see it in visuals with real people acting. Also the actor who plays Ender, Asa Butterfield is an actor I like. I've seen him in the movie Hugo and I really liked his acting.


My best experience of my life is just being lazy doing nothing like in the song "Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars. When I am free of homework or chores, I usually lay down in my bed and listen to radio and do nothing. Some might say I am wasting my precious time, but for me it's the best thing you can do in your life. Everyone, including me, is living too busy following their routine and they forget how important doing nothing is!