Friday, November 8, 2013

The Ultimate Frisbee

 Due to my friend Ellie's enthusiastic invitation, I started Frisbee this year. This is my official first team sport so I experienced various things from joining the team. First I learned running isn't too bad. I used to hate running; I hate it more than reading the pages of AP World History text book. But since the sport requires two laps before the practice, I had to run no matter what. That made me think of 'why am I doing thing that I hate the most?' However, after the lap, the practice is so fun that I forget about running the laps everyday. Playing sports with friends is really fun. It's unfortunate that I couldn't experience that from last years tennis team. By then, I just moved so I didn't know anyone, in contrast, this year, I had lots of friends that I met from choir last year, so I was more relaxed. Moreover, by joining a school team sport, I felt more committed to the school. I felt like I was representing the school in a way. If one goes to school and does not participate in any school or extra curriculum activity, one will just consider school as a place they learn academics only.

The Howler: King, Graham. Monarch Ultimate Frisbee catches Championship Title. 2012.

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