Thursday, December 12, 2013

Last L.A. class of 2013

From the first day of school, Language Arts seemed like the hardest class. It is the only class that required summer assignment that kept me literate during summer; I usually neither read nor write in summer. Soon, as the time flows, my L.A. class of 2013 started to learn about Joseph Campbell's Hero's Adventure. I started to realize that this class is different from any of my former L.A. classes and that this is going to be very challenging. The real thing started from Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal. As well as learning satires, I also began to write formal essays, using and analyzing quotes from the text and relating it to the real life. Then, starts the never-lasting creepiness of Sir William Golding. Golding's Lord of the Flies was the longest and most time spent piece of the semester. I wrote lots of both formal and informal essays, journals, and reflections.

This L.A. class was very challenging. Even with the fact that L.A. isn't my strongest subject, I'm barely maintaining a good grade. The amounts of essays I had to write and the quality of essays it had to be really drove me crazy, sometimes. However, as much as it was challenging, I believe I had a dramatic improvement in my skills of writing. Moreover, I learned that literature is more than just a fable or a story but also contains deeper meaning into it. This class really helped me for college preparation.

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