Monday, January 27, 2014

Tragic Hero

Last week, I finished Oedipus Rex, a Greek play written by Sophocles. The whole play is about Oedipus, the king of Thebes searching for the murder of King Laius, former king of Thebes. Oedipus finally finds out that he had killed king Laius and also that his wife, Queen Jocasta is actually his biological wife. Oedipus is a man who has pride and honor in himself. After Oedipus testifies the shepherd who brings him to his stepparents when he was a baby, he admits that he is the murder and he punishes himself by pulling his eyeball out.

(pic of Oedipus bleeding in his eyes)

Oedipus is an honest and prideful man. He left his stepparents to prevent the tragedy that has been destined. Although he followed his fate, I wonder if he had to punish himself so brutally. Oedipus is definitely a hero because he saves Thebes from the Sphinx. Although he killed his father, murdering during a fight was common in Greece in that period of time. Moreover, Oedipus didn't even know that the man he killed was his father. Since the flaw and wrong he did was all not intentional and the circumstance worked that way I don't think Oedipus should be punished that brutally. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

I Have A Dream

Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day. King is famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech in Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.. Named after the speech, I have a dream foundation is an non-profit organization that helps children from low income family to graduate and go to college. It provides after school activities such as math, reading, and etc. I have a dream is based on Boulder but schools in Lafayette or other regions near Boulder participates in the program.

(an image of Dr. Martin L. King jr.)

I volunteer in Ryan Elementary School. It is located right next to Centaurus High School. Last Tuesday, when I went there to volunteer, kids were learning about who Dr. Martin L. King is and why he is important. I was deeply touched by the fact that even this little kids know what's right and what's wrong. One of the student said, "They(white people) treated them(African Americans) mean." The children were shocked that back than, there were separate schools, churches, and even toilets that differ whites from African Americans. Of course this young children don't understand what "separate but equal" or Jim Crow Laws are but still I thought it was very meaningful to educate young children that racism is bad and every men have the right to be equal.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oedipus Rex Background

(image of Sophocles, a Greek playwright)

Sophocles is a famous Greek playwright who was born around 496 B.C.E.. He won many first and second prizes in Annual Athenian dramatic competitions. He was also elected as a high military official although he was never active in military. He wrote more than a hundred plays including Electra and Oedipus Rex

(image of Oedipus Myth, solving Sphinx's riddle)

Oedipus Rex is a famous Greek myth about Oedipus, who was born  to kill his father and to marry his mother. Oedipus was born as a son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta but after his prophecy is revealed, he is abandoned by his parents. Oedipus is raised in stepparents' hands; after knowing his prophecy, Oedipus decides to leave his stepparents thinking they're his biological parents. On the way, he kill a man who's Oedipus's biological father. Also after defeating the Sphinx, Oedipus marries the widowed Queen Jocasta, who is his biological mother and becomes the king of Thebes. 

(image of Oedipus Rex, the play)

Oedipus Rex is an Athenian play written by Sophocles and first performed in B.C 429. It's performed in the Theater of Dionysus (semi circular stadium with about 17,000 curved seats). Sophocles wrote this play that is full of taboos so people will avoid and refuse them. It's performed during the Dionysus festival so it can warn the audience from taking wrong actions. It also contains some religious faiths like men cannot change what god's predestined. 

(image of Oedipus and Jocasta)

Oedipus was born as a prince of Thebes but soon he was abandoned by his parents because of his prophecy. He was raised by caring stepparents and Oedipus leaves them when he acknowledges his faith. Oedipus tries hard to change his faith but as it turns out, he eventually follows the faith. He represents that it's impossible for men to change their faith. He is also the tragic hero because he never escapes from the abyss.

(image of a Greek Tragedy, Miscellanea dionysiaca)

Greek Tragedy includes Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Greek Tragedy begins with a prologue where one or more character explains about the story. Then there's parados which story reveals three or more episodes. Lastly the tragedy ends with exodus which concludes the story. The origin of tragedy is unknown, but usually Greek Tragedy has its stem on epic and lyric poetry.

(image of Dramatic Irony)

Dramatic Irony is when the audience know what's going to happen but the characters does not. Romeo and Juliet is a example of dramatic irony because the audience knows that Romeo and Juliet will eventually die but the characters don't know. Dramatic Irony is used in tragedies; In the Oedipus Rex, the audience knows who Oedipus murdered and who he married but Oedipus doesn't knows. Dramatic Irony makes the play more tragic because although the audience know the tragic that will happen they cannot change it.

(image of Hubris, excessive pride)

Hubris means excessive pride or arrogance. In ancient Greek, the word hubris means shame of victim so the abuser has joy. In Greek literature, it means infractions by mortals against other mortals. The word explains Greek view of honor and shame. If one is honored, someone has to be shamed. 

(image of Aristotle)

Aristotle is a Greek philosopher born in 384 B.C.E.. He contributed in Greek physics, poetry, theater, music, logic, and politics. He was also the tutor of the Alexander the Great. He also defines the word Hubris as shaming the victim for one's gratification. 

(image of Teiresias, transformed into a woman by Hera)

Also called Tiresias, Teiresias is the blind prophet of Thebes. He was transformed into a woman by Hera for seven years. Moreover, he helps Oedipus find the murderer of previous king Lauis; but he doesn't tell Oedipus the murder, which Oedipus gets very angry at and Oedipus throws him out of the palace. He also gives advice about cattle of Helios to Odysseus in the underworld. 

(image of Moirai, of the fates)

In the Greek mythology, the Moirai or the fates predestine what one's faith. The three Moirai are Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. In Greek mythology, oftentimes heroes are destined by the Moirai, like Oedipus the king. The heroes tries to follow or change their faith but as in the Oedipus Rex, the faith is unchangeable even for the gods. Therefore, Greeks believed human's life was predestined and they will follow their faith no matter what.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Blessing

Baraka, the blessing, was a great movie to watch in the beginning of 2nd semester. As the class learned in 1st semester, the movie proves that world is closely linked and people are alike.

The first animal that appears in the movie is a monkey bathing in a hot pot. It almost seemed like the monkey was wondering about something and it looks at the stars. It seemed to me that the perspective of the movie may have been the monkey's perspective. In a monkey's perspective different people may seem same.

Mary Ann Brussat suggests healing of the world is responsibility of all human beings. In the film, beautiful natures are shown, such as enormous waterfalls and beautiful rainbows, and then it changes to a scene of a tree that's being cut down. Soon the scene portraits little children marching and playing on the street. I thought this represented how people has to protect the nature so future generation can keep it.

To me, the most impactful and moving scene was comparing people who's getting their subway tickets to the chicks getting their beaks burnt and checked. That was one of the most disturbing scenes in the movie because it made me think if urban society is actually decreasing individualities and destroying the culture. Also I found it disturbing that people are living in such uniformed rules and laws even without recognizing them. No one questions why traffic lights work in order. At the end, a man appears and has a seizure. I believe the man represents how this uniform society has bad effects on people.

Compare to Brussat's impactful scenes, mine is about modern society and how it emotionally and mentally affects people but she focuses more on human harms on nature. 

The musics in the movie are sound of flute (or some instrument), human voice, sounds of nature (like waterfall), and man-made sounds (siren, cars, ceremonies). Especially in scenes with religion, the music is accompanied by bell sounds and has a clear and peaceful tone. There are scenes of skies in the movie. It shows how clouds move and color changes as the time goes. The music allows the viewers to feel either relaxed or alarmed; and the movement of the camera directs where to look. 

Overall, The film teaches that World is very alike to each other and people should work together.