Saturday, March 15, 2014

What Dreams May Come

What Dream May Come was a it-gave-me-a-headache-movie. Some movies are so full of allusions that it gives the viewers headache. This film, What Dreams May Come, is a movie about the afterlife in a completely different view from Dante's. While Dante's Inferno portrait hell as a place where the devils torture sinners, the sinners in What Dream May Come torture themselves, mentally. The film focuses more on soul than bodies. For instance Chris's son and daughter, Ian and Marie, was in a different look.

(an image of Marie, in form of Leona)

Also the film uses colors to express the emotions of characters. In the scene when Annie suffers after Ian and Marie's death, she appears in a garden with a green clothing. Annie is hiding herself from the world due to her suffering.
(an image of Annie wearing green in a garden)

However the film shares some traits with Dante's Inferno. When Chris enters the hell to find Annie, he encounters his father. His father and many other souls are trapped on the ground only exposing their heads. This looks like the punishment for the falsifiers where the sinners are trapped in a cold ice. Also Chris, like Dante, has a conversation with the damned. 

(an image of Chris talking to his father)

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