Friday, April 11, 2014

Nice to Eat With you and Nice to Eat You?

 Eating in literature has more meaning than just consuming the energy. In literature, the act of eating is used to create a family-like and loving feeling. Foster states, "Once again the act says, 'I'm with you, I share this moment with you, I feel a bond of community with you'" (Foster 11). In contrast, bad meal is seen a cold, strict, and lack of love. Foster says, "If a well run meal or snack portends good things for community and understanding, the the failed meal scands as a bad sign" (Foster 11). This is what Gregor and his family was like in the Metamorphosis. Since Gregor was so busy working, he didn't spend his time with his family, resulting in a failed meal. The family lacked understanding and communication,

(an image of family dinner)

(an image of bad dinner)

Foster also talks about vampirism in literature. He suggests, "But it's also about things other than literal vampirism: selfishness, exploitation, a refusal to respect the autonomy of other people, just for starters" (Foster 16). Foster states that vampires are not just bloodsucking monsters but also portrait cruel instincts of human. Gregor's family is a form of vampire because although they look like humans, they have sucked blood, in this case, money, from their son Gregor. "The essentials of the vampire story, as we discussed earlier: an older figure representing corrupt, outworn values; ...a stripping away from her youth, energy, value" (Foster 19). Gregor as a young man supports his family financially. His parents, like vampires, sucks Gregor's youth and energy. 

(an image of Gregor's family from The Metamorphosis)

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