Monday, April 28, 2014

Siddhartha 1-2 (partner) late due to absence

In the novel Siddhartha, the main character Siddhartha is loved by everyone. Siddhartha, as a Brahman's son, is loved " That was how everybody loved Siddhartha. He delighted and made everyone happy" (Hesse 5). However he doesn't satisfy and wants something else. Siddhartha says "But Siddhartha himself was not happy..., beloved by all, a joy to all, there was yet no joy in his own heart" (Hesse 5). Being loved is a essential part of one's well being but, like Siddhartha, people may think it's not important because they have been always loved that way. Siddhartha is ignorant because he doesn't value what he already has.

Moreover, even when Siddhartha follows the Samanas, Siddhartha thinks there's nothing else to learn. He quotes "I believe that amongst all the Samanas, probably not even one will attain Nirvana. We find consolations, we learn tricks with which we deceive ourselves, but the essential thing-the way-we do not find" (Hesse 18). Siddhartha shows no respect to his mentors, the Samanas. Also when Siddhartha's friend, Govinda suggest to meet the Buddha, Siddhartha says "that I have become distrustful of teachings and learning and that I have little faith in words that come to us from teachers...I believe in my heart that we have already tasted the best fruit of it" (Hesse 23). Siddhartha is prideful of himself and thinks he knows everything thus don't need and teacher or learning even from the Buddha.

(an image of Siddhartha)

Since Siddhartha values little of what he got and Siddhartha is egoistic that he doesn't appreciate the teachings, Siddhartha is an ignorant person.

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