Monday, April 28, 2014

What do you want to do Siddharha?

In the novel, Siddhartha attempts various things to reach Nirvana. First Siddhartha decides to leave his family, wealth, and comfort and becomes a Samana. Siddhartha ignorantly says " can learn nothing" (Hesse 19). Soon, Siddhartha confronts the Buddha and speaks the flaw of his teaching. Siddhartha says "....But according to your teachings, the unity and logical consequence of all things is broken in one place" (Hesse 32). Siddhartha says he's trying to find a way to Nirvana but he questions every mentor and teachings he has been offered.

(an image of a Buddha)

In the other hand, the Samanas, Buddha, and even the ferryman believes in each beliefs and continue practicing it. For instance the ferryman quotes "I have often listened to it [the river], gazed it, and I have always learned something from it" (Hesse 49). He also says "I have learned that from the river too; everything comes back" (Hesse 49). The ferryman shows Siddhartha that one can learn from anyone, even from a river. Also after all the rejection, Siddhartha asks Kamala to be his teacher and student. Siddhartha asks, "I have come to tell you this and no thank you because you are so beautiful. And if it does not displease you, Kamala, I would like to ask you to be my friend and teacher, for I do not know anything of the art of which you are mistress" (Hesse 53). Siddhartha, after criticizing other people for being taught asks Kamala because she's beautiful and Siddhartha is in love with her.

Siddhartha seems very ironic and ignorant in many ways. First he says he wants to find Nirvana and says to reach Nirvana he should empty himself, not escape from himself, and find his Self. However, all Siddhartha do is find a flaw in the teachings he is offered to. Moreover, Siddhartha is seduced by a woman.

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