Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Is Napoleon a Leader? Or a Hero?

“...Napoleon was a leader. but he wasn't a hero in the sense that what he accomplished was grand for humanity’s sake. It was for France, the glory of France” (Moyers 127).

“Then he is a French hero, is he not? ...Is hero of a given state or people what we need today, when the whole planet should be our field of concern?” (Campbell 127).

When Moyers claims Napoleon a leader but not a hero, Campbell responds with a brilliant answer: “then he is a French hero, is he not?” (Campbell 127). Moreover he throws a curious question, “do heroes have to concern for the whole planet?” (Campbell 127). Heroes of stories appear as the savior of the perspective the story was written. For instance, Odysseus of the Odyssey was drawn as a war hero of Ithaca but he may be an enemy from the eyes of Troy. Campbell also quotes, “Whether you call someone a hero or a monster is all relative to where the focus of your consciousness may be” (Campbell 127). Even in history, some leaders were heroes of some perspective. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi , followed by numbers of Germans, proved his leadership and worshiped as a hero of new rising Germany. Although the concept of Hitler being a hero is non-sense and not acceptable today, Hitler still is a hero of remaining Nazi descendants.  

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