Monday, September 30, 2013

Pocahontas, the hero.

For the hero cycle project in Language Arts, Daisy, Allison, Natalie, Daria, and I selected Pocahontas as our hero. First, since some of us haven't watched the movie, we all watched the movie, Pocahontas 1, during the weekend. After we all watched the movie, we distributed the steps to each person. Some people got three steps and some got two. We mostly wrote the paragraphs ourselves, but since we made a Google document and shared it, we were able to read everyone else's writing and comment on it. For some pictures, we had hard time finding it but we helped each other and did a decent job. After completing the writing, we worked on the poster. We originally planned to use feathers and leaves brought by Allison but due to the amount we need, we made the leaves by hand. There's actually three kinds of different leaves that was designed by Natalie, Alison, and me.

After finishing the poster, our group presented the poster. Everyone did great on analyzing and speaking with confidence. We all went through the writings we did; the parts we read each was the on the steps we wrote about. Other groups, such as the group that presented Scooby Doo,Hercules, and Mulan did a great job. They did great because they presented with confidence and made lots of eye contact, and also did an amazing job on decorating the posters. The group with Back to the Future as their movie was recognizable on their understanding of the movie and analyzing it. The rest of the groups, who presented 42, Nemo, and Brave, did extraordinary job on decorating the posters.

the first photo is the poster our group made. The colors represent the nature and the colored leaves decorated the poster due to its significance in the movie.

the second photo is the movie cover of Pocahontas.

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