Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dante's Inferno

Last week in class, I learned about Alighieri Dante's novel, Inferno. Dante is an Italian poet who lived in fourteenth century. In his poem(or novel), he talks about sins and punishments of hell and also people who are in it. Although there are some sins that doesn't apply anymore but most of the sins are reasonable. In big picture hell is divided into nine circles. (1. Limbo 2. Lust 3. Gluttony 4. Prodigality 5. Wrath 6. Heresy 7. Violence 8. Fraud 9. Treachery) It reflects the levels of sins of Dante.

(an image of model of hell in the Inferno)

I got canto (chapter) 19 to do the project on. Canto 19 is about Simony which is sins for who sold religious pardons (tickets for redemption). Dante meets Pope Nicholas III who is known for his corruption. Canto 19 illustrates how church was corrupted back in 1300's. Also It portraits Dante's conflict against the Pope.

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