Monday, February 17, 2014

Posters Posters Posters!

Last week, my class spent the whole week about the Tragic Hero Posters as we did as a project. The films discussed included I am Legend and The Great Gatsby.

(image of the Great Gatsby)

(image of I am Legend)

The tragic hero of the film, The Great Gatsby, is Jay Gatsby. The group did great job in pointing out the symbolism. I really loved their poster and also the group did excellent job in describing Gatsby's status, hubris, and fall. Gatsby is a wealthy man who throws a party every week. He's love to Daisy is his hubris and eventually gets killed by Wilson, the husband of the women Daisy kills in a car accident. 

The second film is I am Legend. The groups didn't do as well as the Great Gatsby group, however since I have watched I am Legend, I was interested in it. I always thought Robert Neville was a hero, not a tragic hero. Although Neville dies in the movie, he sacrifices himself to save Anna and Ethan. However after listening to the presentation, although I believe the hubris of Neville is weak, I learned that Neville is a tragic hero. 

I had fun and learned a lot from the presentations. Also I am surprised how Greek cycle of tragic hero fits perfectly in modern-day movies. 

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