Thursday, February 13, 2014

What is Hell?

(common images of hell)

Hell is commonly known as a place where sinners' souls go after their death. It's described as a hot and cruel place. I don't believe in hell, but if I had my hell it will portrait what one fears the most so they can regret and suffer forever without forgiveness. To get out of my hell someone has to rescue them from hell; but it's impossible because no one can save other unless they're out of hell and no one can leave the hell without someone come to their hell and rescue them. The purpose of hell is so that sinners can regret what they've done wrong in their lifetime. Sinners will first think someone will come and rescue them and as time pass, they'll acknowledge how cruel and awful they had been because no one comes and rescue them. They'll finally get out from hell when they realize there's no hope for them.

1. I personally don't believe in hell nor heaven and if there is a hell, I think every human being should go to hell because it's very hard to tell if one is evil or not in most of cases. If a baby unintentionally kills its mother while giving birth, someone may consider that baby as an evil creature who killed its mother and to other it's not. Thus to be fairest, I believe if one's been hated(not unlike, hate with passion. Hated so much that if someone had chance to kill him/her, they will) more than loved, they should go to hell.

2.The punishment will differ depending on what the sinner hates/ fears the most. In modern model of hell, people are distributed into different hell depending on their sins. I believe to meet the purpose of hell, to punish the sinners, it's better if sinners are distributed by their biggest fears. For instance, a serial killer may not be afraid of physical punishment and may fear spiders the most. The serial killer will go to hell full of lethal spiders and will get touched by spider everyday.

3. My hell will have all things I hate and fear. My greatest fears are pain. I fear anything that gives me pain thus my hell will be full of natural disasters, people firing guns at each other, and my dog being left behind.

4. The way to escape my hell is when the sinners experienced the worst fear and sorrow that they would rather want to die. When they fell like there's no point of living and regret what they've done they'll get their brains washed and will reincarnate as a bug or an ant. They'll never enter the heaven. Second way to escape from hell is if someone comes and saves them from the hell but this is impossible because of the reasons discussed above.

5. My symbol for hell will look likebecause they think there'll be an end in their hell but it never ends.

6. A person who obviously has more haters than lovers is Adolf Hitler. He may have been loved by the Nazis but most of the population hates him.

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